SAAM Stories

Detail of a portrait of Sandra Cisneros
From the Collection 09/13/2023
Uncovering the passion and power behind Angel Rodríguez-Díaz’s portraiture
A man stands drawing on a white board.
The second part of an interview with Tom di Maria, director emeritus of the Creative Growth Art Center
Three people sit at a table. Racks of clothes hang behind them.
An interview with Tom di Maria, director emeritus of Oakland's Creative Growth Art Center
A man wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf taking a selfie in the desert. A pyre is in the distance.
A personal journal by museum educator Geoffrey Cohrs
A picture of a man with a green shirt and tie on standing inside a room.
Geoffrey Cohrs
Docent Coordinator
A woman with brown skin and short hair stands holding an African-inspired mask close to her face, covering one eye. In the background are bright, geometric shapes in red, blue, and yellow.
Women Artists 08/03/2023
Celebrating the renowned artist with a comic about her life and work
Two off-white, beaded bonnets on display in a glass case. In the background is a large painting.
Exhibitions 07/28/2023
Many Wests brings a reimagining of this iconic region to SAAM
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
An illustrated portrait of a woman standing in front of a painting. She has medium brown hair, is wearing a brown jacket, and holding paintbrushes.
Women Artists 07/27/2023
Celebrating the renowned artist with a comic about her life and work.
Two traditional robes with traditional Alaskan Native designs side-by-side on mannequins in a gallery.
An in-depth look at Lily Hope and Ursala Hudson’s work and the traditions behind Chilkat weavings
A screenshot of a video game with two people on top of a moving train in the desert with the sun in the background.
SAAM Arcade 07/19/2023
How do video game developers use "musical thinking" to create fun ways to play?
This is an image of Lauren Kolodkin.
Lauren Kolodkin
External Affairs and Digital Strategies Assistant
A photograph of a woman in front of artwork
From the Director 07/07/2023
SAAM's director on current exhibitions, acquisitions, and the newly reimagined and reinstalled modern and contemporary galleries
 Stephanie Stebich, Former Margaret and Terry Stent Direction in the museum's Lincoln Gallery. Photo by Gene Young. 
Stephanie Stebich
Former Director, Smithsonian American Art Museum
An illustration of two hands holding a miniature portrait of a woman in an oval frame.
Women Artists 06/29/2023
Celebrating the renowned artist with a comic about her life and work
A group of students at a rural school sit around the table with colored trips assembling a color wheel.
Education 06/20/2023
SAAM's REACH program allows educators to reach out to remote matter where they are
Detail of blown glass artwork. It is circular with a face in the center.
Contemporary Craft 06/15/2023
Brothers and collaborators Einar and Jamex de la Torre bring together carefully chosen objects and humor to craft multifaceted blown glass sculptures
A close up detail of a knitted artwork
As June begins and Pride celebrations around the world commence, here is one way to connect with a few LGBTQ+ artists whose work is included in SAAM’s collection.
Collage artwork with photographs
The contemporary artist creates works that address the Filipinx American experience
Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a gray jacket
Krystle Stricklin
NEA Curatorial Fellow
Detail of quilted portrait showing three African American soldiers
Education 05/24/2023
Tips for teaching the layered World War I history of the 369th Infantry Regiment on their return from France
Ben Brands
A photograph of Phoebe Hillemann
Phoebe Hillemann
Teacher Institutes Educator
A procession of women walking through the desert. The woman in front holds a radio on her shoulder.
Exhibitions 05/19/2023
Exhibition invites viewers to discover the intersections and influences of video and sound, through works by some of today’s leading contemporary artists
This is a photograph of curator Saisha Grayson
Saisha Grayson
Curator of Time-Based Media
An illustrated portrait of a woman with short brown hair. The background is red with a yellow pattern.
Women Artists 05/10/2023
Celebrating the renowned artist with a comic about her life and work