
Frank Boyden

born Portland, OR 1942
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Boyden on left. Courtesy Frank Boyden.
Also known as
  • Frank Davis Boyden
Portland, Oregon, United States
Active in
  • Otis, Oregon, United States

Frank Boyden was trained in painting and drawing at Yale University but turned to ceramics in the late 1960s. In 1983, Boyden, along with artists Tom Coleman and Nils Lou, built an anagama kiln at his home in Oregon. The anagama is a kiln large enough to hold as many as five hundred pieces of pottery, and is fired with wood, reaching temperatures of 2,400 degrees. Boyden's work displays the influence of his surroundings, where his studio overlooks the ocean from a nature preserve. The artist enlivens his pots with his drawings of the animals he observes, hoping to inspire his viewers to follow the animal’s movements around the vessel.

Works by this artist (1 item)

Kim Rawdin, In the Mountains, 2001, fabricated, hollow-formed, soldered, cut, and inlaid 18k and 22k gold, chrysoprase, lapis lazuli, red coral, blue chalcedony, black jade, and petrified palm, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Linda and Donald Schlenger and museum purchase through the Renwick Acquisitions Fund, 2002.27
In the Mountains
fabricated, hollow-formed, soldered, cut, and inlaid 18k and 22k gold, chrysoprase, lapis lazuli, red coral, blue chalcedony, black jade, and petrified palm
Not on view