
Joe Cox

born Indianapolis, IN 1915-died Raleigh, NC 1997
Also known as
  • Joseph H. Cox
  • Joe H. Cox
  • Joseph Cox
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Active in
  • Iowa City, Iowa, United States

Joe Cox grew interested in art as a high school student in Indianapolis, and honed his skills in college and graduate school. While he was in his twenties, the government commissioned him to paint murals for Michigan and Indiana post offices. In 1954 he landed a teaching position at North Carolina State University, where he remained for the next twenty years. Long after his years of working for the New Deal--sponsored Works Progress Administration, Cox continued to experiment with mural decoration, using such diverse materials as stained glass, anodized aluminum, and cast stone. He suffered from Parkinson’s disease and died at the age of eighty-two. (Mecklenburg, The Public As Patron, 1979)

Works by this artist (3 items)

Roberto Lugo, DNA Study Revisited, 2022, urethane resin life cast, foam, wire, and acrylic paint, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Catherine Walden Myer Fund, 2024.19
DNA Study Revisited
urethane resin life cast, foam, wire, and acrylic paint
On view
Roberto Lugo, Juicy, 2021, glazed stoneware, enamel paint, luster, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the James Renwick Alliance in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Renwick Gallery and the 40th anniversary of the Alliance, 2021.68, © 2020, Roberto Lugo
glazed stoneware, enamel paint, luster
On view
Roberto Lugo, Frederick Douglass and Anna Murray Douglass Vase, 2021, glazed ceramic with enamel paint, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase in part through the Smithsonian Latino Initiatives Pool, administered by the Smithsonian Latino Center, and the Howard Kottler Endowment for Ceramic Art, 2022.5
Frederick Douglass and Anna Murray Douglass Vase
glazed ceramic with enamel paint
Not on view