
Robert Dane

born Marshfield, MA 1953
Media - portrait_image_114838.jpg - 90477
Janice Boudreau
Marshfield, Massachusetts, United States

Robert Dane earned a BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1975 and began teaching ceramics at Phillips Andover Academy, a secondary school in Massachusetts. He later attended graduate school, where he met glass artist Josh Simpson, who introduced him to the medium. After his encounter with glass Dane said, "That was the end of my clay days. I went for shiny glass-surfaced objects and I'm still drawing on this concept." Dane often incorporated wood and stone into his work, but always kept the feature material as glass. In 1996, he opened the Dane Gallery in Nantucket, RI, which features work by local glass artists. (Irmarie Jones, Greenfield Recorder, May 1983)

Works by this artist (3 items)

Henry Varnum Poor, Poppies, n.d., oil and charcoal on fabric: canvas mounted on fiberboard, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of International Business Machines Corporation, 1969.125
oil and charcoal on fabric: canvas mounted on fiberboard
Not on view
Henry Varnum Poor, Jetty Study, n.d., watercolor and crayon on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Bequest of Olin Dows, 1983.90.152
Jetty Study
watercolor and crayon on paper
Not on view