
Eulabee Dix

born Greenfield, IL 1878-died Waterbury, CT 1961
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Also known as
  • Eulabee Dix Becker
Greenfield, Illinois, United States
Waterbury, Connecticut, United States
Active in
  • New York, New York, United States
  • London, England

Eulabee Dix was among the handful of talented miniaturists who spurred the turn-of-the-century revival of hand-painted miniatures. She was an independent spirit, facing the challenges of balancing a family with her career as a successful artist. She painted using jewel tones, to resemble stained glass, and often referred to her miniatures as her “jewel portraits.” Her miniature of Samuel Clemens (writer Mark Twain) is in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts (Washington, D.C.) named its gallery of miniatures for her.