Dan Quayle Trips Over His Words

Copied Anders Lunde, Dan Quayle Trips Over His Words, ca. 1994, painted wood, metal rod, 292222 in. (73.755.955.9 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Lloyd E. Herman, founding director and director emeritus of the Renwick Gallery (19711986), 2003.79.2

Artwork Details

Dan Quayle Trips Over His Words
ca. 1994
292222 in. (73.755.955.9 cm)
Credit Line
Gift of Lloyd E. Herman, founding director and director emeritus of the Renwick Gallery (19711986)
Mediums Description
painted wood, metal rod
  • Occupation — political
  • Cartoon — political — Uncle Sam
  • Object — other — flag
  • Object — written matter
  • Object — toy — sports equipment
  • Portrait male — Quayle, Dan — full length
Object Number

Artwork Description

Andy Lunde's humorous whirligig shows the former vice president trying to walk over a selection of his infamous quotes, including "We are on an irreversible trend towards democracy---but that could change," and "Hawaii---part of the U.S. that's an island." The upside-down American flag and the four frowning Uncle Sam figures complete Lunde's parody of American politics.