Take 5: Jazz at SAAM with Kenny Rittenhouse

Thursday, May 15, 2025, 5 – 7pm EDT
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Free | Registration encouraged

Registration will open one month before the program date.
Event Location
Kogod Courtyard
Celebrate a uniquely American art form with Take 5: Jazz at SAAM, a series of free, live performances in the Kogod Courtyard. With a music career spanning 30 years, trumpeter Kenny Rittenhouse has performed with a variety of groups such as the Army Blues Jazz Ensemble, Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra, and the Pittsburgh Jazz Orchestra. He is an educator, serving as an adjunct professor of jazz trumpet at both George Mason University and Morgan State University. Kenny and his quintet, the Kenny Rittenhouse Ensemble, will perform a dynamic blend of classic and modern jazz with soulful R&B influences. 

Borrow a board game to play during the concert and stop by the Courtyard Café to purchase refreshments.  

Image credit: Ron Rittenhouse