Exhibition Loan Policy

Nam June Paik, Merce/Digital, 1988, single-channel video sculpture with vintage television cabinets and fifteen monitors; color, silent, 91 x 79 x 17 in. Collection of Roselyne Chroman Swig © Nam June Paik Estate, Image courtesy Nam June Paik Estate
The Smithsonian American Art Museum grants access to the Paik materials subject to museum policies. The Museum balances the task of preparing and processing items for loan with its own exhibition program. Loans from the Nam June Paik Archive Collection will be considered for non-profit museums, institutions, and galleries for temporary public exhibitions that make major contributions to scholarship. The number of objects loaned for any given venue will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Among the factors that the American Art Museum will consider when deciding whether to permit loans for exhibitions are: the format and condition of the materials and the number of materials requested. Loan requests are also evaluated on the facilities of the borrowing institution and the nature and length of the exhibition. If an item cannot be loaned because it is too light sensitive, fragile, or otherwise unavailable, a facsimile may be offered or a substitute suggested.
Facilities Report
In order to minimize risk to loaned items and to ensure their availability for future generations, borrowers must agree to meet certain security and environmental requirements. Any institution wishing to borrow original documents or objects from the collection must submit a current AAM facilities report before the request is considered, unless a current report is on file here. If a loan is requested for an exhibition tour, facilities reports must be sent for all venues. Facilities reports and any requested supplementary materials (hygrothermograph reports, insurance provisions, final dates and venues) must be received at least three months before the opening date. All loan items must be insured with all risk, wall-to-wall coverage.
Borrowing institutions will be charged a loan processing fee of $100 per ephemera item; $200 per art object. Borrowing institutions are also responsible for all costs of the loan, including but not limited to packing, fine arts shipping and insurance, and courier expenses when applicable. Any necessary work for conservation, framing and mount-making will be billed at an hourly rate of $60. Estimates of object preparation expenses will be provided following the loan review, and borrowers must confirm that they accept payment obligation before object preparation will begin.
How to Submit a Request
Permission to borrow and exhibit materials from the Nam June Paik Archive Collection must be received in writing at least nine (9) months prior to the date of the planned exhibition. Longer lead times may be needed for international loans. The Director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum must approve all Formal Loan Requests.
As a first step to initiate any loan request please contact:
Collection Coordinator, Nam June Paik Archive Collection
Smithsonian American Art Museum
PO Box 37012, MRC 970
Washington, DC 20013-7012
The Collection Coordinator can be reached by email at: PaikArchive@si.edu. The Collection Coordinator will confirm whether or not the requested item(s) are part of the Paik Archive Collection and will provide additional guidance on submitting a Formal Loan Request.