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A painting of a skull.
Chicano artists and activists blended cultural and visual traditions to create modern Day of the Dead celebrations in the U.S.
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Detail of comic cover depicting an illustration of the artist with protest signs behind her.
Celebrating the renowned artist with a comic about her life and work
Screenprint portrait of Cesar Chavez
Exploring the life of a celebrated labor rights activist through his portrait
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Cover of a 1976 calendar featuring a graphic scene of Mexican people with food.
Exploring tradition, place, and social justice through food
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A close up crop of a screenprint of Frida Kahlo's face.
Museum educators share Chicanx posters with teachers around the world
A photograph of Anne Showalter in front of Superhighway.
Anne Showalter
Digital Interpretation Specialist
A detail of a painting outside of a house. Through the window, a woman is putting a blanket on a bed..
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a look into the diversity and depth of SAAM’s Latinx collection
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A zoom screen split with four participants
We look at themes from ¡Printing the Revolution! as discussed in conversations between the artists, curators, and scholars
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Close up of a man in a sombrero
Go in-depth with ¡Printing the Revolution's! iconic image
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A print of a woman's face with facial tattoos, against a printed background
Artist Melanie Cervantes explores indigeneity, identity, and activism in her printmaking practice
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Etching of a healing scene
Artist Carmen Lomas Garza’s scenes from everyday life honor borderland culture and create community
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Two black and white illustrated portraits side-by-side
Artists in ¡Printing the Revolution! explore pressing issues of the LGBTQ+ community
A photograph of Claudia Zapata
Claudia Zapata
Former Curatorial Assistant of Latinx Art
A person with short hair stands in front of a case of prints.
Explore Dominican York Proyecto GRAFICA, a New York art collective inspired by Chicano print centers
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A screenprint portrait of a man from the nineteenth century
Chicanx artists elevate national and global historic figures to inspire activism
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A collage of illustrated portraits on brightly colored backgrounds
Artists honor victims of social injustice and create a space for communal grieving
A photograph of Carmen Ramos by Ross Whitaker
E. Carmen Ramos
Former Curator of Latinx Art
Portrait in blue ink on a hankerchief
Shizu Saldamando explores identity and representation through portraiture
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
Cover of codex in red white and blue comic book style
Chicano artists use graphics to reframe history with new perspectives
A photograph of Claudia Zapata
Claudia Zapata
Former Curatorial Assistant of Latinx Art