
David Aronson

born Shilova, Lithuania 1923-died Natick, MA 2015
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Originally photographed by the Boston University Photo Service. Image is courtesy of the Macbeth Gallery records, 1890-1964 in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Shilova, Lithuania
Natick, Massachusetts, United States
Active in
  • Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  • Sudbury, Massachusetts, United States

David Aronson's father was a rabbi who raised him in the Orthodox Jewish tradition. As a boy, Aronson began rigorous religious studies to follow in his fathers footsteps, but by the time he was a teenager he had decided to refuse confirmation. However, he uses his religious background as inspiration in his art, which includes imagery from Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, and Jewish mysticism. Aronson prefers an expressionistic approach to a realistic one, and emphasizes the figures' emotions in his interpretations of religious stories.

Works by this artist (444 items)