
David Huchthausen

born Wisconsin Rapids, WI 1951
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Courtesy David Huchthausen.
Also known as
  • David Richard Huchthausen
  • David R. Huchthausen
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States
Active in
  • Seattle, Washington, United States

Although he studied architecture at the University of Wisconsin, David Huchthausen preferred to work in the art department, building sculptures from welded steel. His experiments in glass began after he discovered an old, unused glass furnace on the campus: "I didn't know what it was, but when I saw the residue of molten glass inside it, I got incredibly excited" (Huchthausen, Neues Glas, 1983). Huchthausen's home overflows with a random assortment of objects ranging from 1930s Bakelite to rattan furniture. It is an eclectic and inspiring environment that the artist considers integral to his work.