
Jacob Getlar Smith

born New York City 1898-died New York City 1958
New York, New York, United States
New York, New York, United States

Works by this artist (5 items)

Luis Cruz Azaceta, Shifting States: Iraq, 2011, acrylic, prisma color pencil, oil stick, and shellac on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Luisita L. and Franz H. Denghausen Endowment, 2014.52, © 2011, Luis Cruz Azaceta
Shifting States: Iraq
acrylic, prisma color pencil, oil stick, and shellac on canvas
Not on view
Luis Cruz Azaceta, Shifting States: Egypt 2, 2011, permanent ink on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the artist, 2014.73, © 2011, Luis Cruz Azaceta
Shifting States: Egypt 2
permanent ink on paper
Not on view
Luis Cruz Azaceta, Fragile Crossing, 1992, screenprint, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the Smithsonian Associates, 1998.102, © 1992, Luis Cruz Azaceta
Fragile Crossing
Not on view

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