
Ray Allen

born Dickson, TN 1930-died Yuma, AZ 2000
Dickson, Tennessee, United States
Yuma, Arizona, United States

Ray Allen worked as a carpenter for thirty years before learning to turn wood. He discovered segmented turning in 1988, a method that incorporates many different pieces of wood into a single turned form. His vessels often include more than three thousand individual pieces of wood and required complex construction before being placed on the lathe. Allen based his intricate and geometric designs on Southwest Indian, prehistoric, and modern pottery.

Works by this artist (132 items)

Man Ray, Le Voyeur, 1965, wooden cigar box with inserted door lens, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.4
Le Voyeur
wooden cigar box with inserted door lens
On view
Man Ray, Square Dumb Bells, 1944 or 1945, cast bronze, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.17A-B
Square Dumb Bells
Date1944 or 1945
cast bronze
On view
Man Ray, Fisherman's Idol, cast 1973, bronze, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.7
Fisherman’s Idol
Datecast 1973
On view
Man Ray, Its Another Spring, 1961, mixed media: metal spring, ivory ball, and wooden cigar box, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.6
Its Another Spring
mixed media: metal spring, ivory ball, and wooden cigar box
On view