
Terry Evans

born Kansas City, MO 1944
Also known as
  • Terry Hoyt Evans
Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Active in
  • Salinas, Kansas, United States

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, 1944. Currently resides in Salina, Kansas. Evans serves on the board of directors of The Land Institute in Salina. Recent publications include Prairie: Images of Ground and Sky (University Press of Kansas, 1986).

Merry A. Foresta, Stephen Jay Gould, and Karal Ann Marling Between Home and Heaven: Contemporary American Landscape Photography (Washington, D.C. and Albuquerque, New Mexico: The National Museum of American Art in association with the University of New Mexico Press, 1992)


Media - 1983.63.1193 - SAAM-1983.63.1193_1 - 52101
No Mountains in the Way: Photographs from the Kansas Documentary Survey, 1974
February 26, 2016July 30, 2016
In 1974, with a grant of $5,000 from the NEA, No Mountains in the Way was organized by Jim Enyeart, then curator of photography at the University of Kansas Museum of Art.