He Healed the Sick

Henry Ossawa Tanner, He Healed the Sick, ca. 1930, oil on wood, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robbins, 1983.95.199
Copied Henry Ossawa Tanner, He Healed the Sick, ca. 1930, oil on wood, 16 1421 12 in. (41.354.5 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robbins, 1983.95.199
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Artwork Details

He Healed the Sick
ca. 1930
16 1421 12 in. (41.354.5 cm)
Credit Line
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robbins
Mediums Description
oil on wood
  • Figure group
  • Religion
  • State of being — illness
Object Number

Artwork Description

This painting is probably a study for another work by Henry Ossawa Tanner titled Disciples Healing the Sick, which is more finished and detailed. There are numerous instances in the Bible in which Christ performs miraculous healings, but none of the stories describes this particular scene. Tanner created this painting after he had recovered from a serious illness, which suggests that the subject had personal meaning for him (Mosby, Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1991).