It's your last chance to follow the clues in our Ghosts of Chance game!
It's Halloween! And we've got our own personal ghosts inhabiting the halls and galleries of American Art. We're holding our final Ghosts of a Chance scavenger hunt on Halloween. Come in your spookiest/craziest/scariest/weirdest costume to join in the fun. No need to register in advance, just sign up on Sunday, October 31, between 2:30 and 4 p.m. And don’t forget your cell phone!
For the last two years more than 3,000 people have played Ghosts of a Chance, sending text messages, creating masterpieces from aluminum foil, following treasure maps, and deciphering codes in order to save the museum from restless ghosts. This will be your final chance so give it your best shot!
Starting November 1, our next game, Pheon, will be ready and waiting for you.