Group Showing the Present Condition of the Country

Copied Emily Clayton Bishop, Group Showing the Present Condition of the Country, ca. 1907-1910, limestone/carved, 12 387 585 34 in. (31.319.314.5 cm.), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Miss Beatrice Fenton and Miss Marjorie D. Martinet, 1976.127.10
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Artwork Details

Group Showing the Present Condition of the Country
ca. 1907-1910
12 387 585 34 in. (31.319.314.5 cm.)
Credit Line
Gift of Miss Beatrice Fenton and Miss Marjorie D. Martinet
Mediums Description
  • Occupation — sport — wrestling
  • Allegory — other — civilization
  • Figure group
Object Number

Artwork Description

In Emily Clayton Bishop’s Group Showing the Present Condition of the Country, the roughly carved figures appear to be wrestling. The larger figure stands over a smaller one on its hands and knees, possibly representing internal conflict or oppression. At the turn of the twentieth century, many Americans were concerned about the unbalanced relationship between poor laborers and the upper class. These inequalities gave rise to socialist and anarchist movements, and it is possible that Bishop’s sculpture reflects her sympathy for the working class.