Bad Ombrés v.2

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Ronald Rael, Virginia San Fratello, Bad Ombrés v.2, 2017, ceramic, dimensions variable, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Howard Kottler Endowment for Ceramic Art, 2022.53A-F, © 2017, Emerging Objects

Artwork Details

Bad Ombrés v.2
Not on view
dimensions variable
© 2017, Emerging Objects
Credit Line
Museum purchase through the Howard Kottler Endowment for Ceramic Art
Mediums Description
Object Number

Artwork Description

Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello created these vessels with two different clay materials—one from each side of the US-Mexico border—to form an ombré effect, a gradual blend of one color to another. In early 2017 President Donald J. Trump called out “bad hombres” along the border as part of his campaign to expand border fences. Popular media pointed out that his pronunciation of the Spanish word hombre, which means “man,” sounded more like ombré.

With Bad Ombrés v.2, the artists wish to affirm that, in many ways, the term ombré can refer to a richer understanding of the borderlands, where there is no clear distinction between Mexico and the United States. There is a gradient of languages, cuisine, flora and fauna, and art that is shared across the political boundary.

This Present Moment: Crafting a Better World, 2022

Works by this artist (132 items)

Man Ray, Square Dumb Bells, 1944 or 1945, cast bronze, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.17A-B
Square Dumb Bells
Date1944 or 1945
cast bronze
On view
Man Ray, Its Another Spring, 1961, mixed media: metal spring, ivory ball, and wooden cigar box, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.6
Its Another Spring
mixed media: metal spring, ivory ball, and wooden cigar box
On view
Man Ray, Le Voyeur, 1965, wooden cigar box with inserted door lens, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.4
Le Voyeur
wooden cigar box with inserted door lens
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Man Ray, Fisherman's Idol, cast 1973, bronze, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Juliet Man Ray, 1983.105.7
Fisherman’s Idol
Datecast 1973
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Carl Piwinski, Martian Worlds, ca. 1992, ink on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Chuck and Jan Rosenak and museum purchase through the Luisita L. and Franz H. Denghausen Endowment, 1997.124.125
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