SAAM Stories

Dream of the Pacific
We've just launched our third podcast. This one is about art and the American West.
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Some noteworthy events this week: a lecture by New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee, a discussion with glass artist Beth Lipman at the Renwick (Pennsylvania Avenue at 17th Street, NW), and a screening of Seven Days in May.
SAAM's Color Field Gallery
When Washington-area museums and galleries celebrate in tandem the legacy of the Washington Color School during ColorField.remix, one road will be painted to honor the contributions of one of the city's favorite sons, Gene Davis.
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We’ve decided that you might appreciate an occasional FYI about upcoming events—as long as we don’t spam you with PR. Stay tuned as we tweak this feature and leave us a comment if you love it, hate it, or have suggestions.
Michael Edson
William Christenberry, Alabama Wall I, 1985
Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., Chief Curator Eleanor Harvey hosts a discussion with artists William Christenberry, David Bates, Betye Saar, and David Beck.
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Karoline von Günderode is not a name you'd expect to pop up in modern art—she was a minor German Romantic poet. Her history, however, is fascinating, marked by fatal longing. After being refused romantically by the philologist Friedrich Creuzer, von Günderode succumbed to suicide. She was immortalized by her friend Bettina Brentano, who compiled and published their correspondence with the poet's verse.
Simryn Gill's Pearls at the Sackler Gallery
Though it opened in fall last year, Perspectives, a mini-retrospective of Simryn Gill's work at the Sackler Gallery, complements the spring Craft Invitational at the Renwick. One piece in the Sackler show represents another way that artists commonly approach craft: they reconsider design and craft objects using unfamiliar materials.
Second Life performance group, Second Front, watches the first feature film to be shown in the online world: Lynn Hershman's Strange Culture.
I was bound and determined to avoid Second Life as long as possible, but it seems just as determined to invade First Life.
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Julie Heath, the programs coordinator for the Lunder Conservation Center, sent us a heads up about this event.
Beth Cavener Stichter; Olympia; 2006
After a late March snowfall, spring made its glorious debut, tempting this winter homebody to take a pleasant stroll through northwest D.C. down to the National Mall. One of the shows in bloom is the 2007 Craft Invitational at the Renwick Gallery, a show of artists working in media often associated with craft (paper, glass, and clay).
Armando Reverón
In a recent post on his Time blog, Richard Lacayo makes a strong point while discussing the Armando Reverón exhibit at MoMA.
Maya Lin's The Wave Field
The Wave Field, completed by Maya Lin in 1995 for the University of Michigan, incorporates two landscapes. There's obviously the physical landscape into which it's built, a 10,000-square-foot patch of earth. But Lin's also addressed a sort of social landscape by designing the piece to correspond with aerospace engineering concepts.
Kogod Courtyard Construction
On my way through the museum this morning I found this construction scene of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard. Norman Foster's canopy is almost complete except for one hole that will remain open until the completion of the floor and landscaping in November of this year.
SAAM Staff
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Maya Lin
The AIA's Twenty-five Year Award honors architectural structures that have stood for twenty-five to thirty-five years and have shown lasting importance to the culture throughout. Artdaily reports that AIA selected Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial for the 2007 award.
Valentine's Day Scramble
The Luce Center staff made a Valentine's Day word scramble game for visitors.
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Ninety years from now, when America begins to reflect on the past one hundred years, what will our descendants think of the early part of the 21st century? And how will artists define the era?
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Lighting Cornell Exhibition
We asked SAAM's lighting designer, Scott Rosenfeld, to discuss his thinking as he lit the exhibition on Joseph Cornell currently on view in the third-floor galleries.
SAAM Staff
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How jewelry is displayed in Luce
Back before the holidays we got a question about how jewelry was displayed in the Luce Center.