SAAM Stories

A photograph of four people standing next to each other.
DC dream pop band, Lavender, discusses writing songs and building friendships with DC's own Hometown Sounds
Anne Wilsey
Program Specialist for the Luce Foundation Center
A photograph of a woman sitting in a studio.
The iconic artist's work explores the relation between cameras, screens, media stereotypes and contemporary identity.
This is a photograph of curator Saisha Grayson
Saisha Grayson
Curator of Time-Based Media
Two artworks of a skeleton resembling the raison box woman.
A closer look at two iconic artworks featured in “¡Printing the Revolution!”
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
An artwork of a figure holding grapes.
Exploring the origins of the exhibition that combines innovative printmaking practices with social justice
A photograph of Carmen Ramos by Ross Whitaker
E. Carmen Ramos
Former Curator of Latinx Art
A photograph of Claudia Zapata
Claudia Zapata
Former Curatorial Assistant of Latinx Art
A painting of a landscape with a rainbow.
Curator Eleanor Harvey shares the story of Robert S. Duncanson and his artwork
A photograph of Eleanor Harvey
Eleanor Jones Harvey
Senior Curator (19th-Century Art)
A photograph of a face mask
Anya Montiel on her work as Curator of American and Native American Women’s Art and Craft
Sara Cohen
A photograph of people looking at art in the galleries with masks on.
A poet's trip to a museum is eye-opening in unexpected ways
Three people looking up at an art installation inside the Renwick Gallery.
View artworks from the collection that illuminate our world
An artwork with candy.
What is cozier than watching old holiday movies on a chilly winter’s night? Pairing them up with favorite artworks, that’s what.
A photograph of Sara Snyder
Sara Snyder
Head of External Affairs & Digital Strategies
A photograph of a handmade wreath.
Make an upcycled DIY wreath with just a few simple materials
An image of Gloria Kenyon.
Gloria Kenyon
Public Programs Coordinator
A photograph of a man's profile.
Electronic musician, Terracotta Blue talks inspiration and collaboration with Paul Vodra and Anthony Porecco of Hometown Sounds.
Anne Wilsey
Program Specialist for the Luce Foundation Center
An installation inside an art museum
The work of fiber artist Roland Ricketts, featured in the Renwick Invitational, begins on his farm in Indiana
An image of an artwork with different vignettes of photographs.
A blog post to commemorate World AIDS Day, December 1, reflecting on an artwork in our collection.
This is a photograph of curator Saisha Grayson
Saisha Grayson
Curator of Time-Based Media
A photograph of a woman wearing a face mask.
Adding functional and artistic masks to SAAM’s collection during COVID-19 projects artists’ messages of strength, resilience, and hope.
A photograph of a woman holding a large basket in museum collection storage.
Anya Montiel
Curator of American and Native American Women’s Art and Craft
A photograph of the facade of the Smithsonian American Art Museum at night with blue lights honoring healthcare workers.
SAAM's director, Stephanie Stebich, talks about closing the museum due to Covid 19 and the online offering we continue to produce during this time.
 Stephanie Stebich, SAAM's Margaret and Terry Stent Direction in the museum's Lincoln Gallery. Photo by Gene Young. 
Stephanie Stebich
The Margaret and Terry Stent Director, Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery
A drawing of over ten cakes lined up in a store front.
Reflecting on the artist’s “light and color and joy and humor,” and his nudge to look closer and think harder about the world that surrounds us
A photograph of a man in a hat with a mustache
The groundbreaking exhibition explores how Chicanx artists have linked innovative printmaking practices with social justice
Headshot of woman with black hair
Rebekah Mejorado
Public Relations Specialist
A photograph of three people standing next to each other.
Sasha Snoad shares thoughts on making music and creative life in DC in a conversation hosted by Paul Vodra of Hometown Sounds.
Anne Wilsey
Program Specialist for the Luce Foundation Center