Victory breeds hatred, for the vanquished is stricken with suffering; but the tranquil man lives in happiness, disregarding both victory and defeat.” – Buddha, The Dhammapada, verse 201. From the series Great Ideas of Eastern Man.

Matazo Kayama, "Victory breeds hatred, for the vanquished is stricken with suffering; but the tranquil man lives in happiness, disregarding both victory and defeat."--Buddha, The Dhammapada, verse 201. From the series Great Ideas of Eastern Man., ca. 1961, gouache, metallic gouache, and opaque white on dyed paper mounted on paperboard, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Container Corporation of America, 1984.124.142
Matazo Kayama, "Victory breeds hatred, for the vanquished is stricken with suffering; but the tranquil man lives in happiness, disregarding both victory and defeat."--Buddha, The Dhammapada, verse 201. From the series Great Ideas of Eastern Man., ca. 1961, gouache, metallic gouache, and opaque white on dyed paper mounted on paperboard, sheet: 14 7810 12 in. (37.726.7 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Container Corporation of America, 1984.124.142

Artwork Details

Victory breeds hatred, for the vanquished is stricken with suffering; but the tranquil man lives in happiness, disregarding both victory and defeat.” – Buddha, The Dhammapada, verse 201. From the series Great Ideas of Eastern Man.
ca. 1961
Not on view
sheet: 14 7810 12 in. (37.726.7 cm)
Credit Line
Gift of Container Corporation of America
Mediums Description
gouache, metallic gouache, and opaque white on dyed paper mounted on paperboard
  • Religion — Buddhism
  • Landscape — celestial — sun
  • Animal — bird — raven
  • Landscape — tree
Object Number

Works by this artist (163 items)

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