Hey Mom, I Made You This Card

Celebrating all mother-figures this Mother’s Day

Amy Fox
Social Media and Digital Content Specialist
May 8, 2020
Media - 1967.59.1088 - SAAM-1967.59.1088_1 - 52039
William H. Johnson, Going Out, ca. 1939-1942, gouache, pen and ink and pencil on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the Harmon Foundation, 1967.59.1088

We've been thinking about mothers a lot lately. Not just because they do so much for everyone under normal circumstances, but because these days, many moms are juggling full-time childcare and office hours, plus a whole lot of extra stress. For those of us who have grown up and live miles away from our parents, this weekend—it's Mother's Day, in case you forgot—is perhaps extra lonely. 

So to all you mothers and people who step into mothering-roles, no matter who you are, here are some cards from us to you. Some sweet, some sassy, some punny (because who says puns belong to dads? Not us!) If you had trouble getting your hands on a Mother's Day card this year, we encourage you to save one of ours and send it to your mom or your dearest mother-figure. Or, if you're feeling extra creative, browse our collection for artworks with a CC0 license as part of the Smithsonian's Open Access initiative, and make your own tribute to send to Mom. If you make your own, please share it with us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 

Mother's Day card featuring a painting of mother and child and the text Happy Mother's Day love, your favorite.

Happy Mother's Day. Love, your favorite.
Unidentified, Mother and Childmid-19th century

Mother's Day card featuring a painting of a woman in a red coat and text that says, You're not like a regular mom, you're a cool mom. Happy Mother's Day.

You're not like a regular mom. You're a cool mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Alice Pike Barney, Alice Warder Garrettca. 1909-1910

Mother's Day card with photograph of a woman sitting on a chair reading a book and the text, You put the grand in grandmother.

You put the grand in grandmother.

Unidentified, Untitled (Portrait of Aged Woman in Wicker Chair)ca. 1900

Mother's Day card featuring a painting of a young woman and man and the text, Mom, you were right. He was wrong for me. Happy Mother's Day.

Mom, you were right. He was wrong for me. Happy Mother's Day.

A. Kinder or Rinder, Drawing on Door1887

Mother's Day Card with image of an orchid and the text, Proud to be y'orchid. Happy Mother's Day.

Proud to be Y'orchid. Happy Mother's Day.

Mary Vaux Walcott, Small Purple Fringe Orchid (Habenaria psychodes)1932

Mother's Day card featuring an image of bright flowers and the text, You're like a mum to me. Happy Mother's Day.

You're like a mum to me. Happy Mother's Day.

Edna Boies Hopkins, Garden Flowersca. 1915

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