Juan Sánchez, Para Don Pedro, 1992, lithograph, photolithograph and collage with additions in oil stick and pencil, Smithsonian American Art Museum
About this Artwork
Sánchez pays homage to Pedro Albizu Campos (1891–1965), the well-known leader of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. A Harvard-trained lawyer and devout Catholic, Albizu championed social justice and promoted Puerto Rican independence. For his efforts, he was charged with conspiracy against the United States and jailed for most of his life. Sánchez presents Albizu as a martyr and surrounds his likeness with images of Christ and drawings resembling indigenous (or Taino) petroglyphs found in Puerto Rico.
Acerca de esta obra
Sánchez rinde homenaje a Pedro Albizu Campos (1891-1965), el conocido líder del Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico. Albizu, abogado educado en Harvard y católico ferviente, fue gran defensor de la justicia social y promotor de la independencia de Puerto Rico. Por sus actividades fue acusado de conspirar contra los Estados Unidos y condenado a pasar la mayor parte de su vida en la cárcel. Sánchez representa a Albizu como un mártir y rodea su rostro con imágenes de Cristo y dibujos inspirados en los petroglifos indígenas (o taínos) de Puerto Rico.