Ken Gonzales-Day, "At daylight the miserable man was carried to an oak..." from the series Searching for California Hang Trees, 2007, lightjet print, Smithsonian American Art Museum
About this Artwork
Through meticulous research, Gonzales-Day documented approximately 350 lynching incidents that occurred in California between 1850 and 1935, most of which involved victims of Mexican descent. To create the series Searching for California Hang Trees, the artist visited many of these sites and captured the likeness of trees that may have borne witness to these events. Gonzales-Day’s landscapes unearth traces of this little-known history.
Acerca de esta obra
Mediante una investigación meticulosa, Gonzales-Day documentó aproximadamente 350 linchamientos ocurridos en California entre 1850 y 1935, cuyas víctimas eran, en su mayoría, de origen mexicano. Para crear la serie Searching for California Hang Trees, el artista visitó muchos de estos lugares y captó la imagen de árboles que podrían haber sido testigos de estos sucesos. Los paisajes de Gonzalez-Day revelan huellas de esta historia poco conocida.